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Join us at The WAY Home in Wellington, FL for a cosmic convergence unlike any other in recent time. April’s Pink Super New Moon is the last Super Moon of 2024. The Pink New Moon also hosts the last Total Solar Eclipse for North America until 2044.

New moons happen once a month and signify the beginning of a cycle. You can think of them as a cosmic reset. The new moon is an ideal time to set intentions and goals that you’ll develop as the moon waxes toward fullness. In the realm of spirituality and shamanic practices, solar eclipses hold profound significance as portals of transformation and renewal. Whether we are aware of it or not, our energy can be largely affected by what’s happening in the cosmos. Connecting to these lunar energies can provide grounding and a sense of direction. This New Pink Moon Total Solar Eclipse is an advantageous time to gather with your tribe and celebrate everything you wish to pull in over the next month.

We begin the Celebration with a Ceremonial Cacao service, followed by a Lunar Illumination Intention Setting ritual around the fire (weather permitting). We will close the evening with a 20 minute Trans4mation Energy Body Breathwork session, before heading our separate ways.

This evening provides an amazing opportunity to align your intentions with the cosmic energies in a connected community of like minds.

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