The Toolbox

Spirit Molecules

“Well, the rivers are different but the water is the same.” – Trevor Hall

The Toolbox

Spirit Molecules

“Well, the rivers are different but the water is the same.” – Trevor Hall

Spirit Molecules is a catch-all phrase to describe the compounds in Nature which provide our human family the ability to shed our three-dimensional, egoic, dualistic self. Present in plants, animals and fungi, these molecules are scattered across the planet for a specific purpose.

Upon ingestion and/or application, you’ll enter an altered state of consciousness where past and future, good and bad, life and death merge into a single landscape. Here, you are able to experience Singularity. Every psychedelic ceremony is completely unique. However, commonalities occur in outcomes in the areas of trauma healing, addiction recovery, energy clearing and spiritual ascension.

The Molecules are here to guide the way when all efforts toward growth and transcendence by the mind and heart have been exhausted.

Spirit Molecules

An average session lasts approximately 3-7 hours.

See below for the various services, offerings and retreats.

A discount of 10% is offered for each listed event when paying in cash.

“There’s layers to this sh*t, Player. Tiramisu, tiramisu.”


Communion Ceremony

Come back and reconnect with Source, with your Self.

Awakening Ceremony

When The Student Is Ready, The Teacher Appears.