The Toolbox

You Can Build A Powerful Self Care Toolbox

“Well, the rivers are different but the water is the same.” – Trevor Hall.

The Toolbox

You Can Build A Powerful Self Care Toolbox

You Can Build A Powerful Self Care Toolbox

“Well, the rivers are different but the water is the same.” – Trevor Hall.

Spiritual Molecules

“Well, the rivers are different but the water is the same.” – Trevor Hall

Communion Ceremony

Come back and reconnect with Source, with your Self.

Awakening Ceremony

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Ascension Ceremony

Do You Want Peace or Do You Want the Truth?

The Restoration Retreat

One Week. Three Ceremonies. Total Transformation.

Trans4mation Breathwork

Access New Aspects of the Self

Consciousness Consulting

Sometimes, you have to make a YOU-turn.

Guatemalan Cacao Breathwork

Inner Awakening and Creative Guidance.

Kambo Ceremony

Detox, Gain Stamina, Experience Clarity