The Toolbox

Consciousness Consulting

“Well, the rivers are different but the water is the same.” – Trevor Hall

The Toolbox

Consciousness Consulting

“Well, the rivers are different but the water is the same.” – Trevor Hall

Consciousness Consulting

We are socialized, programmed and imprinted from the day we arrive in the Earth-realm. But as many of us make conscious movements back to our Oneness, we discover that much of what we ‘believe’ actually came from other people, systems and a society from which we are in the process of extricating ourselves.
How do you let go of the ‘truth’ you’ve been told by parents, religions, governments and educational systems? Where do you turn when nothing in front of you makes sense any longer? How do you decipher and integrate your new awareness, your spiritual awakening, your ascension experience?
Regardless of how you’ve arrived at this juxtaposition of belief, Consciousness Consulting can assist you in crossing over into the next phase of YOU. Whether you arrived at these awarenesses over time or spontaneously, the need to integrate your new reality can be profoundly assisted by an entirely different approach to talk therapy.

Consciousness Consulting

Private Online or IRL Session


4 Session Package: $422

“There’s layers to this sh*t, Player. Tiramisu, tiramisu.”


Guatemalan Cacoa Breathwork

Inner Awakening and Creative Guidance.

Kambo Ceremony

Detox, Gain Stamina, Experience Clarity

“There’s layers to this sh*t, Player. Tiramisu, tiramisu.”


Guatemalan Cacoa Breathwork

Inner Awakening and Creative Guidance.

Kambo Ceremony

Detox, Gain Stamina, experience Clarity